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Palio MO YE докоснете се до легендата (OFF)

71.50 лв.

Mo Ye е най-новия модел дърво 40+ от висок клас с най-външен пласт от Palisander rosewood. Категория: (OFF)

Palio MoYe е много прецизно изработено дърво с ниско тегло и отличен баланс. За изработването му са използвани само най-качествени фурнири. Скоростта му е средна за OFF сегмента, а контролът е възможно най-добрия за този скоростен клас.

Пластове: 7 дърво
Дебелина: 6.7 мм.
Еластичност: ниска
Твърдост: малко над средната
Тегло: 82 гр.
Категория: OFF
Дръжка: FL /конкав/

А ето и легендата за Gan Jiang и Mo Ye 干將莫邪

Gan Jiang was the sword of a husband named Gan Jiang; Mo Ye was the sword of his wife, named Mo Ye. Like the inseparable couple, the two swords, one male and the other female, were not able to be separated. The husband, Gan Jiang, a blacksmith, was given a request to make a sword for the king. As the time of delivery drew near, Gan Jiang got more worried, for his fire was still not hot enough to forge the metal, and he feared he could not make the sword in time. Having understood the reason for her husband’s distress, the wife shed tears and knew that her husband would be executed if he could not deliver the sword on schedule. She decided to save her husband by throwing herself into the fire, thereby heating it enough to make the sword. When the husband got to know what she intended to do, he could not stop her, only to hear the wife saying, “we can meet again.”

After her wife’s death, the husband Gang Jiang finally made two swords. He named the two swords Gan Jiang and Mo Ye. Putting the sword Mo Ye aside for him, he gave the sword Gan Jiang to the king. The news that Gan Jiang left the other sword for his own use got to the ears of the king, who was outraged and decided to execute him. “How can we unite?” asked Gan Jiang as he was being arrested. All of a sudden, the Mo Ye sword turned into a beautiful dragon. Afterwards, the Gan Jiang sword possessed by the king also disappeared.

Six hundred years later, in a remote small town, the sword saw the dragon in the lake and immediately turned into a dragon—and they united again! The next day, the people in the town saw a new couple settle there. The husband was an excellent blacksmith, who only made agricultural instruments for people while steadfastly refusing to anyone, whether or not they asked, to make valuable swords. When he was at work, his wife would cool him with a fan and wipe sweat from his body. Therefore, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye were two swords of love.

  • Модел: Дърво за хилка за тенис на маса от висок клас
  • Бруто тегло: 0.2кг.
  • Произведено от: PALIO China / Germany

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